Borrowing a payday loan can be helpful for short term problems. The interest rates reflect the sort of risk and processing fees that we take on every time we issue a payday loan.
On the other hand, over a long time period those fees can add up. At 15% when you take out 7 loans in a year you are actually paying more in interest than you earn in a single paycheck. More often than not when you are looking at a situation like this you are better off cutting corners mercilessly to hang on until your next paycheck finally arrives.
The amount you borrow will have to be paid back, and if that amount including interest doesn't leave you enough for the bare necessities you will be in trouble. That may lead you you taking out another payday loans, and another, and another.
We do our best to mitigate this risk by never lending more than 50% of anyone's take home pay but this doesn't preclude you from borrowing from another lender at the same time. It's important that you are responsible when it comes to making that decision and never overextending yourself.